dl.uparchvip.com - /Tutorials/Schoolism/Schoolism Fundamentals of Lightning/

[To Parent Directory]

10/7/2020 6:14 PM <dir> Lesson 1 - Properties of Light and Advanced Lambertian Reflection
10/7/2020 6:05 PM <dir> Lesson 2 - Light and Surface Color
10/7/2020 6:07 PM <dir> Lesson 3 - Specular Reflectance and Painting the Unseen
10/7/2020 6:08 PM <dir> Lesson 4 - Translucent Properties
10/7/2020 6:11 PM <dir> Lesson 5 - Hair and fur
10/7/2020 6:12 PM <dir> Lesson 6 - Skin
10/7/2020 6:13 PM <dir> Lesson 7 - Light in Atmosphere
10/7/2020 6:14 PM <dir> Lesson 8 - Water
10/7/2020 6:16 PM <dir> Lesson 9 - Light and human experience